October 25, 2024

REMARKABLE Athens, De Roon: “Tomorrow, all of Italy will be with us.” It will be special gara.


11.49 – In a few minutes, Marten De Roon, the captain and central defender for the Allants, will participate in a press conference to analyze the encounter against Liverpool, which is crucial for the return of the Europa League quarterfinals. 12.00 – La conferenza è iniziata con l’ordinanza: “Il tutto Italia domani sarà with noi, not solo Bergamo. It’s a very special game; playing against a strong team is very unique; we want to give it our all, just like we did there. As always, we will strive for perfection with the same intensity and mindset.”

A little child asked to be brought to the end because there had never been an Atalanta. It’s all up to you to play, but everyone who plays wants to go to the semifinals knowing that they defeated Liverpool. It will be tough and they can score goals at any time, but we want to make sure we give it our best shot first, as mentioned earlier.”

Qual direbbe agli giovani? “I told everyone to respect the serata in the best way possible before leaving the stadium for Anfield. Liverpool is a strong team with few margins for error; individual episodes have the ability to alter the outcome of the match. We have to give it our all because they can make things difficult for us, but we can also make it happen. There will be a battle. Qual è la significazione dell’anfield victory? “I witnessed the tifosi’s joy after winning. I believe that for all of Bergamo, this may be a small wish; yet, it falls to us now to make everything even more exceptional as we move on to the next round. La gara col Verona? Ho visto la partita in tribuna lunedì, loro ero tranquillo fino al primo gol. The community that may change

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